Tuesday, May 12, 2009


9 X 12 inches
Oil on Masonite panel.

I have decided to do a series of paintings called, Ladies of Legend and Literature.

I have always been a fan of Arthurian literature, and have read many of the books. I have decided to do my first painting on the women of Camelot. The first is Morgause. Arthurian books describe her as the half-sister of Arthur. The two had not previously met and were ignorant of their relationship. They share a night of passion, and she had their son, Mordred, who many years later slayed Arthur in battle. The taboo of this incestuous act has led some modern authors to merge Morgause with her 'evil' sister Morgan Le Fay in this respect. Sometimes portrayed as evil and others as an innocent beauty, she is a temptress, nonetheless.

I wanted to portray her as a mysterious, beauty, and let the viewer decide whether she is good or evil.

The painting was inspired by a photo by Henri Senders, a great photographer from Dordrecht, Netherlands, who has graciously allowed me to use some of his work for my paintings. You can see his work, which consists mostly of tasteful artistic nudes, here. When you get to the page, click on the link next to the words, Aantal foto's.)

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