I haven't done any painting the past few days, as we have had a guest. An old family friend, Jeannie Sweet, originally from Bristol, England, but who now lives in Sterling, Virginia. Yesterday we drove into the mountains, to Golden Gate State Park, near Golden, Colorado.
We were only in the park for two minutes, when we saw two coyotes trot across the road. I was able to snap off a couple of quick shots out the car window, while they climbed the ridge, all the time, watching us carefully.

Golden Gate is a great place to visit. Close to Denver, lots of wild life, and beautiful views.
This view is just inside the entrance to the park. I haven't done any landscapes in awhile and after reviewing some of the photos I took, I may use them for inspiration for some paintings.

Stop anywhere for a picnic and you will be visited by ground squirrels. They are cute, and consummate beggars. We were visited by a family of five. The little ones were fun to watch as the scurried around, leaping here and there.

I call the photo below, Flying Ground Squirrel.

There are great views of the Continental Divide from the park. Most of the peaks shown are between 13,000 and 14,000 feet high.

I hope to get back to painting this evening, but welcomed the days off and the wonderful time spent in the great Rocky Mountains.